Thomas Carr College is proud of the strong relationships we have developed with our feeder Primary Schools, and we make it our priority to ensure all students have a smooth transition and great experience moving from their Primary School into our College.
Some of the key components of our transition program are –
- Teaching staff visit your child and their teacher at their Primary School
- A Year 7 Orientation Day towards the end of Year 6
- A Family Information Night in October before they start Year 7
- Our Whole School Opening Mass
- An Orientation Camp in Term 1
- A Welcome Family BBQ in Term 1
The aim of these activities is to give your child the opportunity to become familiar with the College grounds, facilities, staff and their new peers. Interaction between your child and our teaching staff will take place during the transition visits and along with feedback from their teachers, will provide us with the information we need to allocate your child to a class that will give he/she the best opportunity to succeed.