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From Director of Faith and Mission

12 May 2023

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24.

There have been many days already this Pentecost term where we have been able to rejoice and be glad. As we await the Ascension of Our Lord and Pentecost Sunday in the coming weeks we look back at the times where we have let our light shine – the light of the Holy Spirit, within our community. Last week our Year 9 girls engaged in a Reflection Day with the Catholic Youth Ministry Team (YMT) and explored how they could see, affirm, and celebrate the dignity of all people and use that wisdom to ‘Act Justly’ to bring about a just world for all. The Year 9 boys will have the same experience on 15 May 15.  They found it a wonderful day and were beacons of light for our guest presenters who said, “We have really enjoyed being here with your students. They are so welcoming and engaging, and shared in small groups and when were all together. Having students like this, makes our day and our year.”

The Year 7s this week also engaged with YMT for their first Reflection Day at Thomas Carr. The theme was ‘Self Image’, and they celebrated their uniqueness, individuality, and sacredness. They explored ways to be accepting to all people and how by recognising the sacredness in all people and treating others the way we want to be treated, we are opening our hearts to a relationship with Jesus.  The Year 7s had a wonderful experience and left the days feeling positive and affirmed in how special they each are.

Today we celebrated how special mothers and mother figures are. Fr Silvio celebrated Mass for us in the Fr Moran Performing Arts Centre. It was a wonderful turn out of mothers and their children, whether that be student and mother or teacher and their mother.  All were welcome and were gifted with the sounds of our amazing choir lead by Mr Matt Morse and Mrs Georgie Weir during mass and then with a delicious breakfast and Jolly Soles socks as a thank you for being the living embodiment of Jesus’ mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. A special thanks must also go out to our amazing College Captains and Leaders who willingly give up their time to be Leaders, Lectors, Altar servers and Choir members.  The light from their hearts shone brighter than the sun on this beautiful autumnal day. For those who could not be with us, we extend to you the Blessing Fr Silvio read.  Happy Mother’s Day to all those who give their love.

Dear Lord.  Bless all who ‘mother’ and bring new life in any way,
these ‘mothers’ who teach and guide, who encourage and heal.
Invite them to the table of your eternal feast, these ‘mothers’ who feed and nurture the life that has been entrusted to them.
Embrace them tenderly in the warmth of your love, these ‘mothers’ who embrace with affection those who are helpless and dependent.
Bless them today with all good things: with health, with laughter, with joy and with love, with pride in their ‘children’ and the support of many friends.
May all ‘mothers’ who have nurtured life in others be themselves nurtured in your strong embrace, there, for all eternity, to rejoice with their families and friends.

All:       Amen

Ms Alexandra Higham
Director of Faith and Mission