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Year 11 Ecolink Excursion

09 June 2023

Last week, Year 11 Chemistry students travelled to Ecolinc in Bacchus Marsh to explore the different types of chemical bonding. Students were able to connect what they had been learning in the classroom and see their understanding in a variety of different contexts.

These contexts included using models to explore hydrogen bonding, lattice lattices to understanding ionic compounds, using a microscope to see the structure of salt and be provoked about micro-plastics in our food. Students were especially engaged in the distillation set up that all students were able to use to collect Limonene. Limonene is environmentally sustainable chemical found in orange peel which is also found in many household cleaners as students explored the principles of green chemistry, which is a new aspect found in the current Chemistry Study Design.

Overall the students had a great experience and engaged throughout the day with students keen to visit again!

Ms. Amy Venema
VCE Chemistry and Science Teacher