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Social Justice and Environmental Action Team

30 May 2024

Our Social Justice and Environmental Action Team have been busy these past weeks. During one of our Social Justice Team meetings, our students gathered together to sort hundreds of bread tags, into their respective colours. These bread tags have been collected by the College Staff over the past year. The bread tags were then sent to South Australia to support the production of wheelchairs in South Africa.

We are currently accepting donations of plastic bread tags at the Faith and Mission Hub.

Last week, our Environmental Action Team worked with the Wyndham City Council Waste Officers, May and Dan, to conduct a litter and waste audit around the College.

Our Senior Social Justice Captain, Vritika Mashar, said “The waste audit was an essential learning experience and has helped the team realise the environmental considerations we need to take, and the extent to which improvement is needed. It also enabled the team to interact with the school and each other in a way that enhanced interpersonal relationships and advance towards our goals.”

Lily-Rose Thompson (Year 11), one of our Environmental Action Team Members said “Taking part in Thomas Carr College’s litter audit was an experience to remember and wish to do again. We all got to see firsthand the trash and waste we produce and this shows us a deeper understanding of how we function with what we put into the world. Working as a team together to figure out what ways we can minimise waste gave me hope that if we try as a community, we can achieve our goals of a healthier cohesive environment at Thomas Carr.”

During the audit, one group of students collected and analysed litter around the College and the other group of students sorted waste that had been thrown out throughout the day. Our students gained valuable insights about what waste we are producing as a College and brainstormed ways that we can reduce, reuse and recycle our waste. This litter audit brings us one step closer to gaining our next sustainability star.

Oliver Pond
Faith & Mission Youth Leader

Amy Venema
Mission Integration Leader