Recently, Year 7 students have been learning about water safety in Physical Education lessons. As part of this program, students have had the opportunity to participate in a Swimming Assessment at Aqua Pulse to assess each students swimming capabilities. This also assisted in identifying students capable of swimming at our Swimming Carnival on Friday 10 March.

In preparation for the upcoming Athletics Carnival on Friday 31 March, students in Years 7-9 have been practicing High Jump, Long Jump, Discuss, Shot Put, Relays and Sprint Starts in their PE classes. The lessons were completed with great enthusiasm, with many students showing great improvement across the weeks. Thomas Carr has many talented athletes, and we encourage them to show their House Spirit by signing up for events at the upcoming House Assembly.
Year 9 Elite Sports Performance students recently had a visit from Invicta Performance and completed a ‘Draft Combine’ in which they undertook a range of fitness tests to assess their physical strengths and weaknesses. Students were given the opportunity to compare their results to elite athletes in order to determine their suitability to their chosen sport.

Year 10 students have just started working on an assessment relating to the Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Young People aged 5-17 years old. Students are required to keep record of their physical activity, inactive behaviour and sleep over the period of one week to see how they compare to the recommendations below:
– at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity every day
– no more than 2 hours a day using electronic media for entertainment (eg. computer, internet, games, TV) particularly during daylight hours (unless it is educational)
– an uninterrupted 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night for those aged 14-17 years
Year 12 PE students are examining the biomechanical and skill acquisition principles that can be applied when analysing movement skills used in physical activity and sport. Through their involvement in a variety of practical activities, students investigated the biomechanical and skill acquisition principles that lead to improved performance. We are looking forward to a visit from METs Performance Consulting in the lead up to the upcoming SAC.
Mr Brad Gilham
Head of Health and Physical Education