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Galway House Update

07 March 2024

I am thrilled to introduce myself as the new Galway House Leader. It is an honour to step into this role, one that I approach with enthusiasm and dedication.

Joining me in leading Galway House are our exceptional House Captains: Eric, Naysa, Nadja, and Asheriya. Together, we are eager to foster a spirit of camaraderie and excellence among our fellow students.

So far in Term 1 we have had some exciting events including the succesful Year 12 Retreat and our exciting Swimming Carnival. Both events ran smoothly, and it was a pleasure to witness all students participating in activities and bonding with their peers. These occasions promise not only fun and competition but also opportunities for us to strengthen our bonds as a community.

As I embark on this journey, I am genuinely looking forward to getting to know each and every student. Your unique talents and perspectives are what make our school special, and I am excited to work together to make our College thrive.

This will be a fantastic year filled with growth, friendship, and memorable experiences!

Chiarene Cooper
Galway House Leader