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Principal Updates

From the Principal

08 September 2023

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.”

This passage empahsises the idea that within our community, each person has unique gifts and talents. These diverse abilities should be celebrated and used to support and complement one another. It reminds us of the importance of recognising and valuing the individual contributions that collectively enrich our community.

Over the past few weeks, our community has certainly been busy embracing and sharing their gifts and talents! We have celebrated several occasions, Science Week, Book Week and our College Production, among others. Our Year 9s completed their City Experience and a large number of students from across the College braved the cold for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Sleepout. Congratulations to everyone who has been involved in these occasions and a big thank you to our staff who organised such enriching opportunities for our students.

We have welcomed some new staff members this term as we continue to work on filling teacher vacancies. We thank our community for your continued understanding and support whilst these challenges continue.

On Friday 20 October, staff will be involved in developing a new Pastoral and Learning program for 2024. It will be a student-free day to enable staff to engage in this work. The new program will support the social, emotional and spiritual growth of students whilst also developing their metacognition skills to assist in their approaches to learning.

Earlier this week, seven students challenged themselves as they presented to the whole College in their candidacy for the 2024 College Captaincy. Students and staff listened intently before casting their votes. All seven candidates exhibited remarkable qualities, showcasing not only their strong leadership capabilities but also a heartfelt commitment to support and represent their peers. Their collective dedication to the College community is inspiring. We are excited to announce the 2024 College Captain team and look forward to their leadership.

College Captains:Annika SilvaRayan Latu
Vice Captains:Jack HolderRobert Nave

You may have noticed a shift in the frequency of The Beacon. For the foreseeable future, The Beacon will be published monthly as we balance staffing challenges within our administration team.

A reminder that students conclude classes for the term on Thursday 14 September. Term Four will commence on 2 October 2023. We look forward to meeting with students and parents at our Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews on Thursday and Friday. These interviews are an important opportunity for students, with the support of their parents and teachers, to reflect on and discuss their progress over the term and establish goals for the term ahead.

Thank you to all our families for your support throughout the term. I have warmly felt the welcome and am so proud to be serving the Thomas Carr community.

Rose Connolly
