“Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”
Matt 6:26.
This term, we as a College have been called to show how we value each and everyone in our community by working towards ensuring our virtue for the year – Justice, is brought to light. Justice comes in many forms; we can stand up and action change for the oppressed and marginalised, as our students have done for the St Vinnies Winter Sleepout for Youth, and Wear it Purple day, honour the love given to us by the father’s and father figures in our lives, by joining with them in our Father’s day celebration, and in standing together as a community in communal joy and celebration, as we did for the Assumption Day Mass with members of the St Francis of Assisi Primary School.
In each action we reflect Jesus’ example of seeing all people, not just looking at them, but truly seeing their worth and value. At the Assumption Day Mass we remembered and celebrated God’s love of Mary, His earthly mother, and the Mother of our Church, when at the end of her life he assumed her into Heaven. This communal celebration was extra special as we were able to celebrate it with the Year 3-6s and staff from St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School. Showing care, compassion, support and courage, reflects an important part of what the virtue of justice means.
Each year as a College, we focus Term Three in support of St Vinnies Winter Sleepout. This year an amazing 45 students signed up to spend Thursday day, evening and night, experiencing what life is like for the 122,400+ Australians who each night, do not have their own bed to sleep in. Of that 23% are youth, 12-24 year olds who should be in a loving home, getting a school education and feeling safe. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. To support the works of St Vinnies, students gathered at noon on Thursday to begin the challenge. We were honoured to have members of St Vinnies come and support our evening, sharing information, providing us with food and role modelling the amazing work of the volunteers, who tirelessly and silently do justice. Along with Sammy from Young Voices, a survivor of youth homelessness who shared his story, the students engaged with rich learning. We spent the evening helping St Vinnies sort the plethora of donations that these wonderful students had gathered, as well as assisting in sorting bags sent to the Hoppers Crossing St Vinnies Op Shop. It was a truly moving experience, that, I am sure touched the hearts and minds of all involved.
On Friday we provided another opportunity for our college to stand in solidarity with all members of our College, regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability or age. It was wonderful to see those who chose to wear something purple in solidarity and all who participated by buying fairy floss, hot chocolate or coffee and participating in the day’s events. This was a real representation of the love, honour and respect given to all in the Kingdom of God.
I would like to extend a huge voice of gratitude, love, and thanks to all who are bringing to life the faith and mission of the College. I feel the presence of the Spirit alive in all members of our College community and I look forward to seeing that Spirit go out into the world as beacons of light for others.
Alexandra Higham