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From the Deputy Principal – Staff and Operations

30 May 2024

Reflecting on the word Maestre, which means teachers, the Pope focused on a proverb which says that “one does not teach what one knows, but what one is.” He explained that “we transmit to others what we are inside. It is not enough to fill one’s head with ideas, that is not educating; to educate is to transmit life.”

“To be a teacher is to live a mission,” he said.

Pope Francis (14 May, 2022)

From an address to educators on 350th anniversary of the birth of St Lucia Filippini, their foundress and an educator who put Jesus at the centre of her life.

Throughout this year, all the teaching staff in Positions of Leadership (POL) have been participating in a Leadership Development Program. The aim of this program is to further support the growth and development of all College leaders as they continue to lead the different areas of the College including Faith, learning and teaching, and wellbeing.

In Term One, the focus was understanding our role as Faith leaders and developing a deeper knowledge of our role as leaders in a Catholic school. This work provided a strong foundation in our collective commitment in answering God’s call to lead and to be of service to others.

On Tuesday 28 May, this professional learning program continued with all College Leaders gathering to focus on what it means to be a leader at Thomas Carr College and how through a strong sense of distributed leadership we can all lead change to further drive school improvement. Examples of these initiatives this year, have included the introduction of Welcome Circles and other key programs to support the learning and wellbeing needs of our students.

This session also provided those involved with the opportunity to reflect on their own leadership journey and how they can continue to have a positive impact on all members of our community.

As a College, we are committed to providing opportunities for all members of our Community to shine in all that they do. This includes our students and extends to our staff. This program is one example of how we aim to build the capacity of our staff to ensure we are providing the opportunities for your child to shine in all areas of College life.

I would like to acknowledge the work of Mrs Kelley Revelman, Director of Leadership Development for her role in facilitating these workshops and commend all our College Leaders for the way in which they have embraced these workshops and continue to lead our community.


A reminder that the final day of scheduled classes for this term is Thursday 27 June. Students will be dismissed at 3.10pm.

On Friday 28 June, all staff at the College will be involved in a Staff Faith Formation Day.

These details are also listed on the College calendar. If you have any questions related to the dates above, please contact your child’s Pastoral and Learning Mentor (PaLM), Year Level Leader or House Leader.

Andrew Bryson
Deputy Principal – Staff and Operations