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From the Deputy Principal, Staff and Learning Operations

16 February 2024

Deputy Principal – Staff and Operations

Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident. It’s not a matter of circumstance but of choice. Choose to live a life that matters.

Source: What will Matter by Michael Josephson (2003)

I would like to commend all our students for the positive way in which they have commenced the year and wish all our students every success for the year ahead.

Earlier this week I attended the Year 12 Retreat held at Amberley with students from Galway and Moylough. This was a very enjoyable experience and I congratulate all the students involved for their willingness to reflect and share stories as they developed a deeper understanding of ‘self’ as well as a stronger connection to God and to each other.

When talking with these students, I shared a poem written by Michael Josephson titled, What will Matter. The poem is a thought provoking and inspirational reminder to all of us to embrace life and to have the courage to live a life that matters.

Reflecting on my experience at this retreat and as we all begin a new year together, I share the final verse from this poem with you and with reference to our College motto, ‘They Will Shine’, I encourage all members of our community to shine their light into the world and to live a life that matters.

Staffing Update for Families

At the start of this term a letter was sent to all families welcoming you to the new academic school year. This letter included information highlighting the appointment of new staff to the College as well as details of how the current teacher shortage continues to have an impact on our ability to fully staff all our classes.

We have recently employed two new teachers who started at the College last week and we are actively engaged in further recruitment efforts to fill the remaining teaching positions.

In the meantime, to ensure there is a level of consistency for students across these subjects, some classes have been allocated a combination of teachers who are working together with the relevant Learning Area Leader to teach these classes. For classes that have a combination of teachers, a more detailed letter has been sent to families via Operoo.

As a College, we appreciate your ongoing understanding, patience, and continued support with these arrangements. We will also keep you updated on further teaching staff appointments.

If you have any questions related to the above arrangements, please contact your child’s Pastoral and Learning Mentor (PaLM) or Year Level Leader / House Leader.

Any subject specific questions can be directed to the relevant Learning Area Leader.

For all other questions relating to this matter, please contact Mr. Andrew Bryson (Deputy Principal – Staff and Operations) at the College.

Andrew Bryson
Deputy Principal – Staff and Learning Operations