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From the Deputy Principal, Staff and Learning Operations

20 October 2023

“It was a victory for everyone. For everyone that has a dream, for everyone that wants to go above and beyond. I wanted my 14 Peaks Challenge to inspire people with the love of the Big Mountains, but more than that, I want everyone to know that if you set your mind to something you can achieve it – no matter who you are and where you come from.”

Source: Nimsdai Purja (High altitude expedition leader)

At different stages throughout this year when searching for inspiration, I have referred to the book, ‘Beyond Possible’. In summary, it tells the story of Nimsdai Purja as he climbs Mount Everest and other iconic peaks through extreme weather, life-or-death decisions, and the emotional weight of his mother’s illness back home.

Travelling cross Nepal, Pakistan and China with the team, it is also a story about courage, perseverance, and pushing the limits of human endurance. These are also the qualities that could be used to describe the journey of our Year 12 students as they have travelled through 13 years of schooling and are now entering the final weeks of secondary school.

With this in mind, I would like to wish all our senior students the best during the coming weeks and encourage them to draw inspiration from the words of Nimsdai, and to always remember ‘that if you set your mind to something you can achieve it – nothing is impossible.’

VCAA Examinations

VCAA Examinations for students studying a VCE Unit 3/4 subject commence on Tuesday 24 October. Students have received a copy of the VCAA Examination schedule including the dates and times for each examination.

We also remind students and families of the following arrangements for all Year 11 and 12 students studying a VCE Unit 3/4 subject.

  • Year 12 students can attend onsite to meet with teachers during their timetabled classes (double periods) for additional support and revision prior to subject-specific VCAA examination(s).
  • Year 12 students coming onsite must sign in and be wearing the correct school uniform.
  • Upon arrival, Year 12 students are to sign in at the Front Reception.
  • Year 11 students undertaking a VCE Unit 3/4 subject will continue to attend the ‘double periods’ for these classes as per their timetable. For ‘single periods’, students will attend Study Hall for supervised study and revision.

Further information outlining the format of the VCAA examinations including access to past examination papers are available at Pages – VCE assessment (

All other questions relating to the arrangements for VCE examinations can be directed to Mrs. Daniela Bombardieri-Szabo (Head of Learning and Teaching – Senior School).

For questions relating to VET classes, please contact Mr. John Bassi (Applied Learning & Vocational Training Leader).

Semester Two Examinations (Years 7 to 11)

Semester examinations will be held later this term for Year 7 to 11 students. These examinations are designed to provide students the opportunity to demonstrate their level of progress and achievement based on the key content covered throughout this semester.

Please note the following key dates:

Year 11 Examinations:                    Final day of scheduled Semester Two classes is Friday 3 November.

Examination dates are Wednesday 8 November to Wednesday 15 November.

Year 10 Examinations:                   Final day of scheduled Semester Two classes is Friday 3 November.

Examination dates are Wednesday 8 November to Wednesday 15 November.

Year 10 examinations for all subjects including electives except for Religious Education, Health & Physical Education, and Industry & Enterprise.

Year 9 Examinations:                    Examination dates are Monday 13 November to Wednesday 15 November.

Year 9 examinations for selected core subjects only – Communications (English / Humanities), Mathematics and Investigations (Science).

Year 7 & 8 Examinations:             Examination dates are Monday 13 November to Wednesday 15 November.

Year 7 and 8 examinations for selected core subjects only – English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities.

Note: When not scheduled to complete a listed examination, students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will continue with timetabled classes until Wednesday 15 November.

Headstart will commence on Monday 20 November with all current students transitioning to their 2024 timetable and classes.

Further details outlining the above examination arrangements for each year level will be shared with students and families in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, please contact your child’s subject teacher with any questions related to their overall progress and learning. If you have any questions about the semester examinations for Years 10 or 11 students, please contact Mrs Daniela Bombardieri-Szabo (Head of Learning and Teaching – Senior School).

Any questions related to the semester examinations for Years 7 to 9 students can be directed to Mr Stephen Manitta (Head of Learning and Teaching – Middle School).

Tutor Learning Program

Throughout this year, the Tutor Learning Program has provided targeted literacy and numeracy support to students across all year levels.

This program continues to have a positive impact on supporting the learning needs of our students and will continue to be offered to students throughout this term. This program extends to our tutors being available to provide any additional support to students in the library during lunchtimes and after-school until 4pm.

Our tutors are also available to provide support to students after-school on a Monday and Wednesday until 5pm.

If you have any questions about this program or wish to express interest in your child being involved in this program or receiving additional support as they study for their upcoming examinations, please contact your child’s English or Mathematics teacher.

You may also contact either Mr Stephen Manitta (Head of Learning and Teaching – Middle School) or Mrs Daniela Bombardieri-Szabo (Head of Learning and Teaching – Senior School).

Andrew Bryson

Deputy Principal – Staff and Learning Operations