Latest News

From the Deputy Principal, Staff and Learning Operations

28 July 2023

Drawing inspiration from our College’s vision, we believe that for students to shine their light into the world and to be active members of a globalised world, it is important that they can make the most informed decisions about their future.

As we begin the new term, the above statement captures the opportunities our students will have over the coming weeks to learn more about the subjects offered at Thomas Carr College and to consider their future pathway options. These opportunities have included the recent Learning and Pathways Expo, and the various year level assemblies for Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 students.

We thank the many parents and students who attended the Learning and Pathways Expo and hope this evening was valuable in providing the information needed to assist students in selecting their subjects and learning pathways for next year. To further assist students as they work through the subject selection process in preparation for next year, please note the following key information.

Subject Selection Interviews (Year 9 and 10 students)

Year 9 and 10 students will be involved in Subject Selection Interviews on Thursday 10 August with individual interviews held between 1.30pm and 5pm.

The aim of these interviews is to provide further support and guidance to students as they select their subjects for 2023. Students will be allocated a Subject Advisor who may be their Pastoral and Learning Mentor (PaLM), Year Level Leader or a member of the Learning and Teaching Team who will conduct these interviews.

Bookings will be available through the Parent Access Module (PAM) and a letter will be sent on Operoo with further information on how students can book a time to meet with their allocated Subject Advisor.

IMPORTANT: Please note that there will be no scheduled Year 9, 10 or 11 classes for periods 5 and 6 on this date. Year 9, 10 and 11 students will be dismissed at the end of period 4 (12.45pm).

Access to Web-Preferences

On Monday 7 August, Year 8 and 11 students will receive an email with details outlining how to access the web-preference portal. This is the online portal for students to enter their subjects for 2024.

Stephen Manitta (Head of Learning and Teaching – Middle School) and other College staff including our Careers Team will meet with Year 8 students during class on this date to enter their subject selections for next year.

Year 11 students are asked to follow the instructions provided in this email and enter their subjects for next year by no later than Thursday 10 August.

During their allocated Subject Selection Interview, students in Years 9 and 10 will be asked to enter their subjects for next year.

IMPORTANT: Students who have applied to undertake a VET or an accelerated VCE subject in 2024 will also be notified if their application has been approved and will also enter these details during their Subject Selection Interview.

All students will receive confirmation of their subject choices for 2024 at the end of Term Three.


Students in Years 7 to 9 are asked to contact Stephen Manitta (Head of Learning and Teaching – Middle School) with any questions related to the subject selection process and subjects offered within the Middle School (Years 7 to 9). This includes questions related to the MAGIS program and other elective options at Year 9.

For questions related to the pathway options available within the Senior School (Years 10 to 12) including applications to undertake a VCE accelerated subject, please contact Daniela Bombardieri-Szabo (Head of Learning and Teaching – Senior School).

Questions related to the College Applied Learning programs and to learn more about the VET subjects offered at Year 10 and within the Senior School, please contact John Bassi (Applied Learning & Vocational Training Leader). Students may also wish to contact Cheryl-Anne White and the Careers Team to discuss future study, career and pathway options.

For all subject-specific questions, students are encouraged to see their subject teacher or the relevant Learning Area Leader. To learn more about the subjects offered at each year level, students can also access the Subject Handbooks available on the College website under Learning and Teaching.

Tutor Learning Program

Throughout this year, the College’s Tutor Learning Program has provided targeted literacy and numeracy support to students across all year levels.

This program continues to have a positive impact on supporting the learning needs of our students and will continue to be offered to students throughout this term. This program extends to our tutors being available to provide any additional support to students in the library during lunchtimes and after-school until 4pm.

Our tutors are also available to provide support to students after-school on a Monday and Wednesday until 5pm.

If you have any questions about this program or wish to express interest in your son or daughter being involved in this program, please contact your child’s English or Mathematics teacher.

You may also contact either Stephen Manitta (Head of Learning and Teaching – Middle School) or Daniela Bombardieri-Szabo (Head of Learning and Teaching – Senior School).

New Teaching Staff

We would like to welcome the following new staff members who have recently started teaching at Thomas Carr College:

  • James Wakeling (Ensemble Coach / Music Teacher)
  • Tanya Derrick (Health and Physical Education Teacher)

Each of the above new staff members bring great knowledge and expertise to the College. We wish them the very best and every success as they join our dynamic learning community.

Andrew Bryson

Deputy Principal, Staff and Learning Operations