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From the Deputy Principal, Learning and Teaching

02 May 2024

Term 2 has started with energy and enthusiasm from both students and staff alike. PaLM classes have continued with the success of consistent, predictable routines, beginning and ending each lesson with focus and in a state of readiness for learning. The Welcome Circles are becoming a highlight of each morning, allowing students to approach the day with a strong sense of community, and set students up for success socially and academically.

Our students undertaking a Unit 3 and 4 subject completed the trial General Achievement Test (GAT) on 16 April with focus and determination. Their participation reflects not only their commitment to academic excellence but also their eagerness to embrace new opportunities for growth and learning. We commend their efforts and wish them continued success in their academic pursuits.

Open Day was a resounding success. Students, parents/caregivers and staff came together to showcase our vibrant school community. Visitors explored our facilities, engaged in interactive activities, and experienced first-hand the unique opportunities we offer. We thank all involved for making it a memorable day of connection and discovery.

Parent Teacher Student conferences will be completed this evening, offering families an opportunity for important feedback on their child’s learning. The online and face-to-face options gave all families an opportunity to engage with their child’s teachers. Most importantly, it allowed our students the opportunity to set goals based on formal feedback from their teachers. We look forward to the continued success of all students, applying this important feedback in their day to day learning activities for continued improvement.

Damian Bernardo
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching