Latest News

From the Assistant Principal International and Community Partnerships

20 October 2023

Year 12 Final Assembly  

The College gathered to farewell the Year 12 Class of 2023 in a moving celebration of six years at the College. This wonderful group of young adults will without doubt, shine their light into the world! 

Congratulations to the Year 12 Academic Award Winners who were recognised for their excellence across the VCE and VM. 

House Competition Results  

Well done to the following Houses for taking out the 2023 House Competition cups: 

Overall House Champions:

Congratulations Moylough!

The House points table :

1st: Moyough 4394pts 

2nd: Westport 4329pts 

3rd: Galway 4246pts 

4th: Maynooth 3996pts 

House Spirit Shield: Congratulations Galway!  

Luminosity House Co-Curricular Cup:

Congratulations Moylough!  

This cup recognises student involvement in five categories; Academics, Service, Sport, Performing Arts, Community.  

1st Moylough 1712pts 

2nd Galway 1690pts 

3rd Westport 1618pts 

4th Maynooth 1583pts 

Year 12 Breakfast and Guard of Honour 

The Year 12 Breakfast for our students was an opportunity for them to share stories and enjoy gathering informally as a year level before leaving the school grounds for one final time. The Guard of Honour was a fitting send off from all students in Years 7 to 11 who shared their best wishes for all that lies ahead, including VCE Examinations which are just around the corner!  

Gala of Excellence  

Congratulations to all students involved in the annual Gala of Excellence which showcases the amazing talents and achievements of students in the Arts, Technology and Sport. Well done to all involved including those who received Sport Awards for participating in the SACCSS Competition!  

The Gala Exhibition displayed works across all year levels and mediums including drawing, painting, sculpting, photography, film, woodwork and textiles and demonstrated the wonderful creative opportunities on offer at the College!  

Alumni Reunion 

Thomas Carr College warmly invites alumni from the following classes to the 2023 Alumni Reunion Evening  

Class of 2003 – 20 Year Reunion   

Class of 2013 – 10 Year Reunion  

Class of 2022 – 1 Year Reunion  

Friday 17 November 2023 from 6:00 – 8:00pm at Thomas Carr College. 

Refreshments will be available on the evening as well as a tour of the College.  

Please RSVP by Thursday 2 November via trybooking – 

Please don’t forget to spread the word with your former classmates! 

Tom Bridges

Assistant Principal International and Community Partnerships