Easter is upon us and we look forward to having time over the next few weeks to rest, to recharge, and to prepare for Term 2.
Easter is a time of hope, of community, and of purpose. Out of the darkness of death, Jesus is resurrected and shines new life for us all. The Easter story tells us that no matter how bleak things may appear, no matter how impossible a challenge may seem, no matter how hard the road ahead is, there is hope. This hope comes in the form of our community, the people we live with, the people we work with, the people we go to school with. Together we can work through any challenge, support each other, encourage each other, empower each other, allow each other to shine. Let us take the Easter story of hope and resurrection into our hearts and minds, and allow it to fill our hearts with support, encouragement, empowerment, care and love.
Easter also marks the start of our holidays and we are all excited about the well-earnt break that lies ahead. One of the best things about holidays is the opportunity to do things that are good for us, that help us to be more efficient and hardworking students and teachers. For this holiday I encourage all our students to take time to do the following:
- Sleep! Sleep is one of the most powerful things we can do for our bodies and for our minds. Make sure you find the time to get to bed at a decent hour and that you sleep in a little as well. You can find some helpful information about sleep here.
- Exercise! Take the dog for a walk, ride your bike along some of the fantastic bike paths your community offers, shoot some hoops with a friend, play a game of soccer, go for a swim at the local swim centre. Exercise is vital for creating positive hormones, clear thinking and general good health. You’ll find some interesting facts about exercise here.
- Connect! Holidays are a great time to just be with your family and friends. Make sure you sit down and have dinner together, watch a movie at home with someone you care about (and a bowl of popcorn), play a board game, get online and chat while you’re building fortresses, go for a walk together, go to the park – connecting with those we care about ensures we stay healthy and happy. Find out other ways to connect here.
- Read! Read, read, read … the more you read, the more you know; the more you know, the more you grow; so read, read, read. This little ditty from our childhood reminds us of the power of reading. Reading ensures knowledge and knowledge is power. The holidays are a terrific time to allow us to be still and to create power within. There are some terrific publications and books out there that will interest us all. Here are some suggestions for novels for holiday reading.
As the weather cools down and as we prepare for the next term, I hope all of us find time to do what is so important for healthy bodies and minds. Enjoy the break and know that we are all looking forward to a fantastic second term.

A reminder to all families that students are expected to wear full Winter uniform during Term 2. Please ensure your child has all the correct items for the term. Our Uniform Expectations can be found at this link.
The Uniform Shop will be open during the holidays on the following dates:
Thursday 20 April 9.00am – 4.00pm
Friday 21 April 9.00am – 4.00pm
If you have any difficulty in purchasing any uniform items, please contact your Year Level or House Leader and they will be able to assist. Thank you in advance for supporting the College by ensuring your child leaves your home in full correct uniform.
Ivanka Spiteri
Deputy Principal – Student Engagement and Wellbeing