At Thomas Carr College, we place great value in students, teachers and parents working in partnership to foster a strong and sustainable learning culture. This partnership extends to setting high expectations to ensure all students can excel throughout their journey at Thomas Carr College.

The upcoming Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences are a great opportunity for parents to work in partnership with their child’s teachers in developing a shared understanding of what student progress looks like for their son or daughter. They also provide the opportunity for teachers, students and parents to set high expectations and to assist students in developing their study skills and how to develop the strategies to excel with their studies.
Term One Progress Reports
Term One Progress Reports are now available for families to access via the Parent Access Module (PAM). These reports provide feedback on your child’s progress throughout the Lenten Term (Term One) and form the basis for discussion at the upcoming Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences.
To access your child’s Term One Progress Report, please log on to the Parent Access Module (PAM) using your personal USERNAME and PASSWORD details.
For direct access to PAM please click on the link below.
Parent Access Module (PAM) Log In
If you require assistance in accessing your username or password, please follow the prompts on PAM.
All other questions related to these interviews can be directed to your child’s Pastoral and Learning Mentor (PaLM), Year Level Leader (Years 7 to 9) or House Leader (Years 10 to 12).
Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
A reminder that the upcoming PTS Conferences will be conducted using a hybrid-model of both online and onsite interviews.
All teaching staff will be available for interviews on the following dates:
- Thursday 30 March (4pm to 8pm) ** These will be held online using MS TEAMS.
- Wednesday 5 April (4pm to 8pm) ** These will be held onsite.
The Booking System for these interviews is now open for you to access on PAM. Please click on ‘Parent Teacher Interviews’ to begin booking an interview with your child’s teachers. When making a booking, please note the following key steps:
- Click on your choice of ‘Online‘ or ‘In-Person Parent Teacher Interviews‘ to see your child’s classes.
- For online interviews (Thursday 30 March), open the PAM interview booking screen and click on the link that will be available at that time. This will connect you to the teacher in their online meeting room either via the MS Teams app or via a web browser.
- The online booking system will close at 9am on the day before each of the above listed dates.
Further information outing how to access your child’s Term One Progress Reports and the upcoming PTS Conferences has been sent to families via Operoo and is also available to view in the Daily Messages section on SIMON.

As we approach the end of the term, we encourage your son or daughter to continue to the apply themselves to the best of their ability across all their subjects and we look forward to discussing your child’s progress with you during the upcoming PTS Conferences.
New Teaching Staff
We would like to welcome Andrew Clements as a new member of our teaching staff.
Mr. Clements has extensive experience teaching Health and Physical Education, and Humanities in a number of Catholic secondary schools. He will be teaching a combination of subjects within these learning areas and will be the Pastoral and Learning Mentor (PaLM) for Year 9 CORAL.
We wish Mr. Clements every success as he joins our dynamic learning community.
Mr Andrew Bryson
Deputy Principal – Staff and Learning Operations