To all members of our school community, I would like to welcome you to the 2023 school year.
As we commence the new school year, we look ahead with high expectations in what our students can achieve, and as a College community we commit to creating the learning environment that will allow all students to shine in all that they do.
This extends to providing opportunities for all students to excel, based on their individual learning pathway and as a College we recently gathered to celebrate the academic achievements of the Class of 2022. At this assembly, we also acknowledged the students who undertook VCAL during their senior years at Thomas Carr College, as they too were able to excel in finding a pathway that allowed them to shine and pursue their dreams.
2022 VCE Awards (Dux Assembly)
Students who received a Study Score of 40 for the respective subject received a certificate acknowledging their commitment to excellence and we congratulate the following students:
Xingqi (Alex) Wang | Physics | Study Score of 43 |
Anina Lata | English | Study Score of 42 |
Sandali Girish | Biology | Study Score of 41 |
Sandali Girish | English | Study Score of 41 |
Sara Teymornejad | Health and Human Development | Study Score of 41 |
Sandali Girish | Further Mathematics | Study Score of 41 |
Kisanet Berhane | English | Study Score of 40 |
Fiona Bosilkovski | Further Mathematics | Study Score of 40 |
Brianna Lapina | Physics | Study Score of 40 |
VCE Baccalaureate
The VCE Baccalaureate is an additional form of recognition for students who undertake the demands of studying both a higher-level mathematics and a language in the VCE. Congratulations to the following students who received the VCE Baccalaureate:
– Brianna Lapina
– Anina Latu
– Georgia Spratling
– Xingqi (Alex) Wang
College Dux
During this assembly, we formally recognised the efforts of our high performing students with all the students listed below receiving 85% or above for their ATAR. Many of these students also received Study Scores of 40 or above for one or more subjects and have been awarded university scholarships.
To further recognise the commitment to excellence that is required to achieve these results, The College Dux Proximus is awarded to the student with the highest ATAR Score in their year and the student with the second highest ATAR Score is awarded College Dux Proximus.
College Dux
Xingqi (Alex) Wang 97.25
College Dux Proximus
Sandali Girish 95.2
Kisanet Berhane 94.5
Brianna Lapina 92.6
Khushi Patel 90.55
Anina Latu 90.4
Aidan Dizon 87.9
Namsiga Sireskumar 86.95
Fiona Bosilkovski 86.75
Kacey Nguyen 85.45

We congratulate all these students and wish the Class of 2022 every success in the future.
We are proud of their achievements, and when receiving his award, Alex shared with us a Chinese proverb, “constant dripping water wears through the rock”. He continued by explaining it means that large, seemingly impossible tasks, can be accomplished through small steady efforts and persistence which is the key to achieving your goals.

With the start of the school year upon us, I thank Alex for sharing his story and for the powerful message that we can all be inspired by. I encourage all members of our College community to be aspirational in committing to excellence and may we all have the courage and strength to persevere as we shine our light into the world.
Tutor Learning Program
Throughout the past two years, our Tutor Learning Program has provided targeted literacy and numeracy support to students across all year levels.
This program has had a positive impact on supporting the learning needs of our students and will continue to be offered to students in 2023. This program extends to our tutors being available to provide any additional support to students in the library during lunchtimes and after-school until 4pm.
Our tutors are also available to provide support to students after-school on a Monday and Wednesday until 5.00pm.
If you have any questions about this program or wish to express interest in your son or daughter being involved in this program, please contact your child’s English or Mathematics teacher.
You can also contact either Mr Stephen Manitta (Head of Learning and Teaching – Middle School) or Mrs Daniela Bombardieri-Szabo (Head of Learning and Teaching – Senior School).
Please also note that the College Information Centre (Library) is also available for students to access during 8.00am to 5.00pm on Monday’s and Wednesday’s and until 4.00pm every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Year 11 Students – Study Day (Thursday 16 February)
Thursday 16 February has been listed on the College calendar as a ‘Self-Directed Learning (study) Day’ for all Year 11 students.
Due to the number of staff involved in the Year 12 Retreat and wishing to minimise the impact this may have on covering all other classes for the day, Year 11 students are not required to attend the College on this date.
Students are encouraged to use this day for study and other self-directed learning activities based on their timetabled classes. Learning activities may include pre-reading or any other subject-specific tasks such as homework and general classwork that has been set by their teachers.
If you have any questions related to this day, please contact your child’s Pastoral and Learning Mentor (PaLM), House Leader or the Head of Learning and Teaching – Senior School (Mrs. Daniela Bombardieri-Szabo).
Andrew Bryson
Deputy Principal – Staff and Learning Operations