Courage, Endurance, Mateship and Sacrifice.
Source: The values of Kokoda (World War II)
Friday 11 November 2022 is Remembrance Day, and each year on the eleventh day of the eleventh month we take time to remember the service and sacrifice of those who have died since World War I. The above values of Courage, Endurance, Mateship and Sacrifice are the core pillars that represent the Spirit of Kokoda and capture the qualities of the Australian troops who battled the Japanese along the Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea in 1942.
The Spirit of Kokoda demonstrates that when we work together, look out for each other, and show commitment to a task, things that at first seem impossible, suddenly become achievable.
As we all take a moment to pause on this significant day, and students prepare for the end of the school year and begin to complete their final assessment tasks and examinations, these lessons and the Spirit of Kokoda can continue to give us all the inspiration and strength in knowing that all that remains in front of us is achievable.

Semester Two Examinations (Years 7 to 11)
It has been very pleasing to see how our Year 12 students have approached their final VCAA examinations. Their commitment to striving to get the very best out of themselves is to be applauded and we wish them well as they conclude these examinations.
Semester Two examinations for students in Year 7 to Year 11 will also commence over the next two weeks, and we remind you of the following key dates:
Year 11 Examinations: Wednesday 16 November to Wednesday 23 November.
Year 10 Examinations: Wednesday 16 November to Wednesday 23 November.
Year 9 Examinations: Monday 21 November to Wednesday 23 November.
- Core subjects only – Communications, Mathematics and Investigations (Science).
Year 7 & 8 Examinations: Monday 21 November to Wednesday 23 November.
- Core subjects only – English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities.
Students have received a copy of the Semester Two Examination schedule including the dates and times for each examination. This information also outlines the expectations for students, and we ask that all parents and students take note of the following details:
- Students are to attend examinations in full school (summer) uniform.
- When not scheduled to complete a listed examination, students in Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 will continue with timetabled classes until the conclusion of examinations on Wednesday 23 November. Therefore, Year 7 to 9 students will attend the College as per normal hours during their examination period.
- Students in Year 10 and Year 11 are only required to be at school during those times in which they have examinations.
- Students who have more than one examination on any listed date may remain at school and attend Study Hall during this time to study.
- Students with an extended break between examinations may return home during these times.
- Students who are unwell and not able to attend their examinations are to provide a Medical Certificate for their absence and reschedule their examination if possible. If no medical certificate is supplied students will receive ‘0’ for their examination.
If you have any questions about the upcoming semester examinations, please contact:
- Mr. Stephen Manitta (Head of Learning and Teaching – Middle School)
- Ms. Daniela Bombardieri-Szabo (Head of Learning and Teaching – Senior School)
For all other questions relating to VET classes and the arrangements for VCAL students, please contact Mr. Casey Backhouse (Applied Learning & Vocational Training Leader).
We wish all students the very best with their upcoming examinations.

Our Headstart program is an opportunity for teachers to begin to know their new students as learners. This extends to students also developing a deeper understanding of themselves as learners through various learning activities as well as reflecting on the year and setting goals for their new subjects.
The Headstart program will commence on Monday 28 November and conclude on the final day of the Advent Term, Friday 2 December.
On Monday 28 November, all Year 7 to 11 classes will continue based on the current Semester Two timetable and will include Examination feedback sessions for all students.
As of Tuesday 29 December, all year levels will commence their 2023 classes rolling over to their Semester One timetable.
Students will receive further details outlining the key dates and activities for each year level.
We look forward to the commencement of our Headstart program and wish your child all the best for the final weeks of the term.

– Andrew Bryson: Deputy Principal – Staff and Learning Operations