Assessment in a Catholic school is a means of uncovering the narrative of learners: their growth, progress, success and challenges in learning.
Source: School Improvement Framework (Learning and Teaching Sphere)
With reference to the above statement, at Thomas Carr College, we are committed to providing feedback on the progress, or growth every student is making throughout the school year. Families are reminded of the arrangements listed below for Semester Examinations and the upcoming Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences for students undertaking a VCE Unit 3/4 subject.
Semester One Examinations
It has been very pleasing to see how students in Years 10 and 11 have approached the start of their Semester One examinations. These will continue next week, with students in Years 7 and 8 commencing their examinations from Wednesday 14 June.
Students have received a copy of the Semester One Examination schedule including the dates and times for each examination. These details are also available on the Daily Messages section on SIMON for all students to access.
VCE Unit 3/4 Classes – For Year 11 students who are accelerating in a Year 12 Subject
Year 11 students undertaking a VCE Unit 3/4 subject are required to continue to attend these classes during the Year 11 examination period. If students have a clash with a Year 11 examination, the Year 11 examination takes priority and students are to catch up on any class(es) missed.
VET Classes
Students who may have timetabled VET classes during the examination period are to attend their VET classes as normal. If you have any questions related to your VET class during the examination period, please see Mr John Bassi (Applied Learning and Vocational Training Leader).
If you do need to reschedule your listed examination to another date, please see or contact Ms Tina Alphonso prior to the start of the examinations.
IMPORTANT: Students who are unwell and not able to attend their examinations are to provide a Medical Certificate for their absence and reschedule their examination.
VCAA General Achievement Test (Thursday 15 June)
All Year 12 students will complete the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Thursday 15 June. Year 11 students who are undertaking a VCE Unit 3/4 subject will also complete the GAT on this date.
If you have any questions about the upcoming semester examinations for Years 10 or 11 students including the VCAA GAT, please contact Mrs Daniela Bombardieri-Szabo (Head of Learning and Teaching – Senior School).
Any questions related to the semester examinations for Years 7 and 8 students can be directed to Mr Stephen Manitta (Head of Learning and Teaching – Middle School).
Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences (VCE Units 3/4)
Parent-Teacher-Student (PTS) Conferences will be held for all students in Years 11 and 12 who are studying a VCE Unit 3/4 subject on:
- Thursday 22 June (4pm to 8pm).
These interviews will be held onsite. Further information will be sent to families via Operoo and posted in the Daily Messages section on SIMON.
The Booking System for these interviews will be available as of Wednesday 14 June for you to access via the Parent Access Module (PAM). Please log on to PAM using your personal USERNAME and PASSWORD details.
Click on ‘Parent Teacher Interviews’ to begin booking an interview with your child’s teachers. For direct access to PAM please click on the link below.
Parent Access Module (PAM) Log In
If you require assistance in accessing your username or password, please follow the prompts on PAM.

All other questions related to these interviews can be directed to your child’s Pastoral and Learning Mentor (PaLM) or House Leader (Years 10 to 12).
Semester Two Timetables – Change of Subjects (Year 11 students only)
Year 11 students who are interested in changing subjects for Semester Two are to complete a subject change form by Wednesday 14 June.
Subject change forms are available from Student Reception and further information is available for students to access on the Daily Messages on SIMON.
If students have questions regarding a possible change of subject, they are encouraged to see their subject teacher or see Mrs Daniela Bombardieri-Szabo (Head of Learning and Teaching – Senior School).
All questions related to any VET subject can be directed to Mr John Bassi (Applied Learning and Vocational Training Leader).
Students have received a list of their subjects and timetables will be updated to reflect their Semester Two classes during the school holidays. All students are reminded to check their timetable on SIMON prior to the start of next term and begin to plan for their Semester Two classes.
If students have any questions related to their Semester Two timetable, they are asked to please contact their Pastoral and Learning Mentor (PaLM).
Student Free Day (Friday 23 June)
A reminder that the final day of scheduled classes for this term is Thursday 22 June. Students will be dismissed at 3.10pm.
Friday 23 June has been listed on the College calendar as a ‘Student Free Day’ and students are not required to attend the College on this date.
IMPORTANT: Students in Year 9 PURPLE who are attending The Good Samaritan Campus during the final week of term will return to the College on Friday 23 June.
If you have any questions related to the above arrangements, please contact your child’s Pastoral and Learning Mentor (PaLM), Year Level Leader (Years 7 to 9) or House Leader (Years 10 to 12).
2024 Subject Selection
In Term Three, students will begin working through the subject selection process in preparation for 2024.
Subject selection is another example of how teachers and families can work in partnership to support the learning needs and future aspirations of all our students. To assist with future planning there are a number of key assemblies and events scheduled throughout next term.
We ask that you please note the following key dates:
– Tuesday 18 July – Learning Pathways Expo (Senior School)
– Thursday 10 August – Subject Selection Interviews (Years 9 and 10 students)
Further information outlining the subject selection process and the details of these events will be made available at the start of Term Three.
In the meantime, students may wish to access the current 2023 Subject Handbooks available on the College website under Learning and Teaching.
Students are also encouraged to see their subject teacher or Pastoral and Learning Mentor (PaLM) with any questions and to begin discussing possible subjects and future pathways for 2024.